mega-, meg-
(Greek: large, great, big, powerful)
When measuring in the metric [decimal] system, it means a million [U.S.] or millionfold [U.K.]: 106 [1 000 000]. The metric symbol for mega- is M.
In archaeology, referring to, or relating to, megaliths or large stone structures sometimes forming part of a groiup or a circle; such as, megalithic tombs or monuments, megalithic architectures; which are thought to have been important to people in the distant past for social or religious reasons.
Having a large allantois; an animal so characterized.
A “great-swimming lizard” from Late Jurassic Nouth America (Wyoming). Named by W. C. Knight in 1895.
The name given to a large-toothed hominid of the Djetis deposits of central Java, Indonesia, that have been related to the "Astralopithecines" or to Homo erectus or Homo habilis: The meganthropi are known only by mandible fragments.
The larger of two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans, which controls the nonreproductive functions of the cell.
megaphone, megaphonic
1. A cone-shaped device used to intensify, amplify, or direct the voice; for example, a cheerleader’s megaphone.
2. Someone who expresses or publicizes others’ opinions or ideas.
2. Someone who expresses or publicizes others’ opinions or ideas.
Having a powerful voice.
Plant and animal organisms of the largest size group: The megaplankton include the water-hyacinth, jellyfish, etc., and the megaplankton can range from 200 mm to 2 m in size.
1. A chief city.
2. Variant of megalopolis.
2. Variant of megalopolis.
megapterine: humpback whales
A reference to humpback whales.